Unlocking Champions
How Heart-Leadership is Trailblazing
a Path to Olympic Victory

Meet the Speaker

At 19, Wendy K Clark dared to pursue the extraordinary. With just $100, she founded Carpe Diem, now the Triangle’s largest locally owned cleaning business. Years later her journey expanded, not only transforming her life but revitalizing her community. Wendy’s journey led to the flourishing of The Durham Exchange and ReCity, where her impact has rippled far and wide. Wendy’s vision knows no bounds. She sees life as a tapestry of challenges and triumphs, each yielding valuable lessons. Join her as she continues to dream bigger, inspire change, and conquer new horizons.

Talking Engagements

The WKC creates business solutions tailored to individual and company needs in order to provide a transformative experience ranging from day-long sessions to year-long journeys, including personalized business plan development.


  • Offer limited but impactful one-on-one consulting sessions.
  • Provide strategic coaching for “owners rocks/visionaries rocks” to align their vision with actionable strategies.
  • Support individuals in overcoming challenges and maximizing their potential.

Keynote Speeches
that Include

  • How to utilize storytelling to guide and inspire leadership, purpose, and personal development.
  • What it means to create and become key parts of a company ecosystem

Strategic Planning
Sessions and Workshops

  • Collaborate with facilitators to design and participate in week-long workshops.
  • Participate in annual and six-month strategic planning sessions.
  • Contribute to planning sessions for key parts of the ecosystem.

Embrace the transformative power of Heart-Leadership and revolutionize your approach to tackling challenges, both immediate and looming. Discover how to not only elevate your company but also positively impact your community. Enroll in one of our revolutionary workshops now to equip yourself with a robust toolkit of solutions, ready to overcome any obstacles you encounter – whether it’s in the coming weeks, years, or even decades ahead.