One powerful takeaway I had earlier this year from Dr. Hardy event was the importance of setting both quantitative and qualitative goals. While it’s easier to measure the numbers, there are seasons where we need to focus on investing in our roots, not just our fruits.
One of the ways I have had to solve processing qualitative goals has been around the seasons where I am building the systems for capacity. This season has been one of the those seasons where I have had to focus on the roots. What does that look like? I reviewed the different software and app I was using and consolidated/upleveled them. I am reviewing my insurances and legal documents to make sure they are all up to date. I did the elevate and delegate exercises and figured out who has been missing from the team. It’s building the “audit” system of my life. That is what do I need to review on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis to see the patterns.
This past season as been a root season for me, and while root seasons may not always look productive, they lay the foundation for lasting success.