One of my greatest strengths and weaknesses is that I see potential. It has gone better when that entrepreneurial eye has been focused on real estate and myself. I also look at people through this eye and unfortunately it has led to me kissing a lot of frogs that were not princes. But that is not the case with Madeline.
Madeline started working for Carpe Diem in 2012/13. She needed an opportunity so started off as a cleaner. In 2013 she had already proven her gifting and was rising through the ranks. It was the year that my seeing potential with two very important people in my life hit the fan. They created an ultimatum. I put my big girl panties on and said okay. I will invest in me again even if you don’t believe in me. They said with great confidence, Madeline doesn’t believe in you either and she will leave too. I was bummed, but I had to trust the process.
So I remember it like yesterday. She and I sat down, I shared what was happening and the dream of my heart. Madeline said I believe in you and I want to stay and help you build. That was the day of commitment for both of us. The road has been harder and longer than I think either of us are willing to fully admit. But it’s been worth it.
We are very different people. But the truth is we need each other’s strengths. I am a visionary and she is a doer. I am impulsive and she is cautious. I am creative and she is organized. But when we put our heads together, we can accomplish anything.
We are truly better off because we invested in each other than we would have been on our own. I am grateful for Madeline and who she is.
On this trip, I asked- do you want to come? Knowing it’s not her favorite things but mine. As I will always want to share my favorite things. She said nah, but I would if you wanted me to. Go and look forward to hearing about it. I’ve got the business back home. And she did and she does.
She is an anchor in every area of her life. Who we are shows up in all areas. All in Madeline’s life are blessed because she’s a part.
I am so grateful for Madeline in my life. She is a true friend, a loyal partner, and a valuable asset to my team. I am so lucky to have her in my corner.
If you are looking for a way to make a difference in the world, I encourage you to invest in others. It is one of the most rewarding things you can do.