Roy H Williams is one of my favorite heroes in life. He has helped give words to thoughts I was thinking.
One of the principles he shared, that I have often pondered, is looking out the other window. Let’s say you are sitting in a room. You are looking out a window. Then you turn and look at a blank wall. What are you thinking about? That window. But what if you looked out another window instead? You are thinking about the scene coming through that window not the original one.
So the bottom line- when you are stuck, focus on something else.
This year, I felt the need to focus on poured acrylic art. I needed to develop another window. I could not necessarily give you all of the words of why. But then in the past week, I read about Tom Daley. The Olympian gold medalist diver who knits. His knitting gives his mind something to focus on. It also gives him another identity besides being an Olympian. It’s part of the secret recipe of prioritizing peace.
We often say we are “too busy” to prioritize play. (Heck, my kids are outside playing right now while I write this.) We are “too busy” to have fun. We are “too busy” to do something just for the sake of doing it. But what if that’s a lie? What if that mindset is part of the very reason we are stuck. If an Olympian can prioritize knitting…. What is my knitting?
Well, for one thing- I am going out to play with the kids for a few minutes now.